


Get In Touch

Multi-Flow is sold factory-direct in some areas and by regional distributors in other areas.

Contact Varicore Technologies, manufacturer of The Multi-Flow Drainage System, at 800-978-8007 for information about pricing and service in your locality. You can also contact us at service@varicore.com.

Varicore Customer Service is prompt, courteous, personal, and efficient. Many orders are delivered within 5-7 days of receipt.

For a free product sample, contact us by e-mail or phone.

If you wish to hire a contractor to install your Multi-Flow system, we would be happy to recommend one from our Contractor List.

Varicore Technologies

Reach Us

Manufacturing Facility:

15 6th St
Prinsburg, MN 56281



Copyright 2024 | Varicore Technologies Inc. | All Rights Reserved.

Multi-Flow and Multi-Flow LDVS are property of Varicore Technologies, Inc.
The information contained on this site, including technical drawings, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, etc., are for recommendation only.
It is sole responsibility of determine correct suitability and usage of materials on project.

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